What is WordPress CMS?
The success of any website is largely dependent on the content management system it is based on. Essentially, the CMS either boost or limit its scalability, customization and other core changes that come with an expanding website. While there are hundreds of open source programs that you could base your CMS database on, WordPress remain the most versatile content management system suiting both small blogs and large e-commerce websites.
If you are a professional web designer in India, here are 6 key reasons to use WordPress CMS for your web designing endeavors.
1. Easy to build websites based on WordPress.
Thanks to the HostGator QuickInstall feature, installing WordPress is but a few minutes process entailing making a few clicks to complete. Further development of the website can be done even by inexperienced developers albeit on trial and error basis.
2. Ease of managing the varying user access levels.
WordPress has a five-level, built-in user roles starting from the site administrators down to editors, author, contributors and lastly the subscriber level. As the webmaster, you can implement security handles discreetly so as to safeguard your site from attacks and unnecessary alterations on the structure and content.
3. A massive number of themes to choose from.
WordPress comes with a large selection of both free and premium themes to choose from. Regardless of your site’s size and niche, you are bound to find a theme that fits your style.
4. Scalability
In addition to the many themes, the WordPress CMS comes with a large number of plugins that further adds functionality to a site. If you are the creative website designer, you can turn your start up blog to a solid e-commerce website through a step-by-step customization.
5. Its mobile friendly.
WordPress comes with responsive site themes that seamlessly format your site’s display so as to suit the different screen sizes used by readers. Actually, the best website designers India leverage on WordPress to create mobile friendly sites.
6. Support is at hand
The fact that WordPress is an open source program means that there’s a whole community of developers at hand to help you it times of troubles. You’ll have access to periodical updates, bug fixes and more to enhance your site’s functionality.
WordPress CMS offers an easy to use platform for designing and running a professional website. If you are in the starter stages of website development, think WordPress CMS.