
Posts Tagged ‘Ecommerce Web Design’

Five mistakes to avoid when designing an ecommerce website

Doing business online in a given ecommerce website designing offers new and very wide market for 24 hours a day 7 days a week across the entire year. Thanks to ecommerce website development, the costs of mailing and travelling are cut down and this brings about the convenience of a good high quality ecommerce web design. There are however various mistakes that several clients of ecommerce website designing do that may lead to low traffic in their ecommerce web design.

These Ecommerce Website Designing mistakes are common and below illustrate the ways in which you can avoid them.

Poor Content

Precise and detailed product description is one of the key information that has to be available in every ecommerce website development. While shopping online in any ecommerce web design, all one needs is to be satisfied first with the information one has obtained about the product before going ahead and purchasing it. This is one common mistake done during ecommerce website designing as they don’t incorporate it whatsoever. For the good impact of a good ecommerce website development, precise and valid product information is provided. For a good ecommerce web design, provide as much information on all dimensions of a product, their sizes, the weigh they have and also any pertinent information which is dependent on what the product is. There are various descriptive terms and expressions that you can always use in any ecommerce website development to provide all information of all products and services.

Bad Customer Support Service

The second mistake to avoid dearly is lacking of a customer care and help center in the ecommerce website designing. In any case, a good ecommerce web design should provide a platform for the clients contact information to ensure safety and validity of the working of any ecommerce website development. When the customers have an issue or matters that need clarifications, they suppose that any ecommerce website designing should provide for the contact to use and get feedback from real persons given in the ecommerce web design. A good practical way to understand the importance of having a contact details in the ecommerce web design is that for any more expensive product or service, the customer will tend to have more and more questions and this should be well done in the ecommerce website designing of your own.

Site Optimization

The other mistake to avoid in creating an ecommerce web design is the inadequacy of the site search engine. Each ecommerce website development should have search engine optimization software to generate more and more traffic and thus promote its business in the long run.

Poor Shopping Cart Design

The other mistake to avoid in ecommerce website designing is using a low profile and poor shopping cart design. The face of the ecommerce web design should be made in such a way to attract more and more clients and should start from the initial ecommerce website development layout.

Poor Website Navigation System

The fifth mistake is having confusing navigation that makes it hard for clients to find and identify specific commodities in any give ecommerce website. Anny ecommerce website designing should ensure that products are well classified and categorized to their respective specifications in the ecommerce web design.